I've had the kids out the state fair twice so far, but we haven't made it to the midway yet. We plan on going back later this week and letting WC ride a few rides, so I should have more pics later on. On Thursday, I was thrilled to run into Geri, Jenny, Markie and Mike, and all the associated kiddos and grandkiddos. Wesley was so happy to have other little kids to run around with. He didn't stop talking the whole time I think, which is typical. Geri was walking along holding his hand, and she kept looking back at me, laughing, and making that "chatterbox" motion with her hand :)
Here are a few cute shots of the kids. I've been experimenting with some new color effects I just got, so the color in some of them is over the top, I know. But I was just playing around for learning purposes, and they don't have to be perfect. The kids are cute enough as is. :)
Adeline was having fun petting the goat, until she realized that he was eating her hair ribbon!
Lizzie was totally cutting a rug in the kid's area. I wish I had some sequence shots of her dancing; it was so funny!
"Safety Town" was a big hit too. Geri and I were cracking up watching the police officers trying to direct all this toddler tricycle traffic! He's trying to get them to go one way, half of them were going another, and finally he just threw his hands up like, "I give up!" So funny.

Go Lizzie!
Go Wesley!
Connor was there too, but as long as she had puffs to munch on, she was happy.
Wesley loved the mules. Sean is very talented with his little trick to get the mule to stick his lip out (ha ha).
More candy for Wesley, like he needed it...
These guys looked pretty comfortable! Kind of a funny modern twist on a historical yearly event.
I hope to have some midway pics up soon!
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