Saturday, July 19, 2008

To My Fabulous Friends and Clients

The latest manifestation of this dark cloud of bad luck that seems to be following me around lately is that the hard drive on my computer died. I had pretty much everything backed up--the only important thing I've lost are all my email files and my outlook calendar. My computer is still under warranty, so a new hard drive is on its way. We are trying to recover the data from the bad drive, so hopefully that will work out. In the meantime, I am without a computer until at least the middle of next week. I can check email sporadically on my husband's work computer, but won't be able to in my usual bordering on obsessive fashion. So I ask that you please have a bit of patience if I don't respond right away to an email, and if it is urgent, please don't hesitate to give me a call.

This is also putting me behind schedule by almost a week, so I must also ask for patience if you are waiting on your proofs or an order. I can promise that when I am back up and running, I will be putting in several all-nighters to get back on track!

Lastly, if I am unable to recover my outlook files, that means I have lost all my email addresses. If anyone reading this will please send me an email, that will be a significant help in re-building my address book.

Thank you all! I totally feel like I have lost my right arm without my computer!


Tiffany Izatt said...

That has to be tough, goo luck getting all of the information gathered again.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh..that stinks. So sorry to hear that. Glad you had everything backed up - I know your clients LOVE you for that! Hope everything is resolved soon! :)